September 2021


In creating html webpages HTML tags are used.These tags have a semantic meaning and if used properly these tags can provide good traffic to the webpage.

Common HTML elements -

Title -

This tag provides a title to the webpage. The provided title is visible on the title bar when the webpage is opened.

Body -

This tag contains the body of the webpage.

Nav -

This is the navigation tag which is used for adding links to navigate to other webpages.

p (paragraph) -

Paragraph tag is used for seperating paragraphs.

input -

This tag is used for taking input from the user.

button -

This tag is used to add buttons to the webpage.

a (anchor) -

For adding links to other webpages anchor tag is used.

Div -

This element is used to create divisions in the webpage.

HTML Elements used for heading -

h1 -

The heading with the largest size.

h2 -

The heading with the second largest size.

h3 -

The heading with the size of text less than h2 and greater than h4.

h4 -

This heading is larger than h5 and smaller than h3.

h5 -

This heading is larger than h6 and smaller than h4.

h6 -

This is the smallest of all the available heading.